
If a guitar could cry, it'd sound like this.

For six minutes of indulgent soul-swaying, click play.

'Slow Dancing in a Burning Room' by John Mayer
from his third album, 'Continuum'

Before I got acquainted with the ludicrous hours that architects endure, I fantasised about knocking off at 6pm everyday and then playing guitar at some dimly lit, uber chill bar downtown; or better yet, on the ground floor of the skyscraper where my imaginary office was located.

Alas, 'Fantasise' is the operative word here.

Why am I not able to pull myself away? Often times it's really not a matter of not having time but not being disciplined about dedicating it to a specific activity. I reckon it's also got to do with how high it ranks on my list of priorities.

If I died tomorrow would I go without any regret? I used to think that leading a purpose-driven life was all there was to it but now I'm not so sure. What exactly did Jesus mean when He said He came to give us life in the full? What does it mean to lead a full life?

Will have to store this intriguing question for future reflection.