
Summer Shows

Photography by jonolist

The postcard shot.

BD's running a series of reviews on the summer shows going on in the UK.

This is pure speculation, but I think their M.Archs take greater ownership over the exhibition because of competition. If you put yourself in their shoes, wouldn't you want to show what you've got if other M.Archs from rival schools were strutting their stuff?

My jaw dropped when I saw this pencil drawing. Now I understand what Florian meant when he referred to the spatial imagination of the Bartlett. It does look like a terribly exciting space.

Although, Barbara Ann Campbell-Lange did have this to say,

"The physical models – handmade, factory-made, rapid-formed – are exemplary (thanks in large part to a superbly equipped and run workshop) but by contrast the aesthetic tyranny of Photoshop-Studio Max-Rhino – coupled with obsessive framing – is anesthetising and one can’t help wondering if some of this print-out gloss substitutes for thinking."