"Architects smile when they see their work completed. But given that architects have very little sense of humor, what is it that makes them smile?
Do they perhaps smile from a pleasant feeling of having synchronized their works with the rationality of the world, from the naturalness with which their small contributions fit into the framework created by the Constructor of the World?
Or on the contrary, do they laugh at the artificiality of their acts, at the absurdity of what surrounds us, at their small contributions to the existing chaos? Do they smile vainly at feeling themselves in possession of a truth which they think others are unaware of?
Or do they have the cynical laugh of those who know that all is useless, and that all the stones in the temple they have constructed will inexorably fall down?
Do architects smile like angels or like fallen angels?"
from The Builder of the World
by Luis Moreno Mansilla &
Emilio Tunon Alvarez
by Luis Moreno Mansilla &
Emilio Tunon Alvarez
So, how do you smile?